Kamis, 22 Mei 2014


Executive Summa

                                   Sao conesida cerca do um mihoes de espesie animais .Apesar de toda esta diversidada ,os animais ten encomun ,por exemplo ofacto de seren multelulares e de opteren oseu almento enjerido   outros 2010,UNMIT’s humana to2011 rights  and         transition justice section [HRT JS] conducted research on the right of persons with disabilities. The preliminary findigs of this research and recommendations are shared below to facilitate discussion on how government,civil society , and international actors cam work together to promote and protect  the rights of persons with disabilities. Per
Persons with disabilities from Timor-Leste patisipated throughout the rethearch and drafting of the report’s recommendations. Their voices and vision will lead the way towrd a future in which the rinhts of all persons are fulfilled –in Timor-Leste .                                                                                                               
Thi rigts of persons wits disabilities are critical to consider now,as timor leste bulds its nation ant strives to become a regional seader in human rights.Fultiling the right of persons with disabilities cam play a key role in ensuringinclusive
 nat national development in timor  leste and in the  Asia-pacific region.


seres vivos From
Em timor –Leste  encontramos exemplos de seres vivos de todos os prinsipais filhos deste reino; porifera  [como tipica esponjade Timor dysiringa solas ] clidadria [como as anemonas-do –mar ],plantelmintas [como as tenias ], netalmentes [como briugia Timor –gue fica a dever aseu nome –Timor-figuera 19]moluscus [como obilve –guigatas e tridacha gigas – figura 20]amelides [como as minhocas ],atropudes [de guesao exemplo os direntes tipo de insectus aranhas gue existen no nosso pais ] eguin dermes [como as estrelas –do- mar e os acerichos-do –mar]e cordados [e como os peixes ,ocrocodilo-branco ,as tartarugas ,a guais, apardal ,de timor, obufalo, oveado,ocavalo,,,,].


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